The buzzard would have gotten fat on us all right. 秃鹰光吃我们就吃饱了。
It many ways, there are many people like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee. 在好多方面,许多人都像美洲鹫、蝙蝠和大黄蜂一样。
American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard. A bald eagle is a large white-headed eagle. 美洲秃鹫(BUZ),比红头兀鹰秃鹰是一种头上有白毛的大鹰。
Now if you take a model like this, even though it's a nasty buzzard from Kentucky that's saying what Gates quotes, nevertheless there is an author, and it has bubbled up from the unconscious of that. 如果你采用了这样的理论,即使盖茨引用的那句话,出自肯塔基的一只恶毒的秃鹰之口,但它有作者,这句话是从作者的无意识中冒出来的。
We cannot overturn the whole scheme to accommodate the buzzard. 我们绝不可为了满足它的习惯而推翻全部安排。