The publicity of purchase money security interest is the requirement of gaining the validity of against the third person. 购买价金担保权的公示是其获得对抗所有第三人效力的条件。
Due to the special nature of the construction and collateral of purchase money security interest, publicity methods are the registration and automatic publicity. 由于购买价金担保权构造和担保物上的特殊性,适用于购买价金担保权的公示方法有二,分别是登记公示和自动公示。
The continued existence of purchase money security interest means that whether the status of purchase money security interest is effected by the change of collateral and obligation and cross guarantee. 购买价金担保权的存续问题是指在担保物、所担保之债务发生变化或发生交义担保时,对债权人的购买价金身份是否产生影响的问题。
The origin of purchase money security interest is closely related to the recognition of after acquired property clause in the floating charge. 购买价金担保权的产生与法律对浮动抵押中嗣后所得财产条款效力的承认息息相关。
The basic requirement of the transition rules is that in order to retain the purchase money status, and security interest must be a " pure " PMSI. 转变规则的基本要求是要想一直保有购买价金身份,担保权必须是一个纯的PMSI。