But feel free to create a Web application from which the task can be initiated as an additional exercise. 但是可以随意创建一个Web应用程序,将任务作为附加的练习在此应用程序中启动。
Jumping jacks and toy-soldier-like high leg kicks, for instance, prepare muscles for additional exercise better than stretching. 比如开并腿跳或高踢腿,比静态拉伸更能让肌肉为接下来的运动做好准备。
The whole exercise period for the experimental group is 12 weeks, while the control group kept their life habit as usual without additional exercise. 对照组保持原有生活方式,不进行特殊运动。
The study found that for every additional hour of exercise ( like jogging or swimming ) that a black woman gets, she can gain 11 hours of lifespan. 研究发现,黑人女士每增加一小时的锻炼(比如慢跑或游泳),生命会延长11个小时。
It has three additional pieces of reading exercise, and comes with a workbook with multiple-choice and open-ended exercises. 每四课附一篇复习式阅读文章,并有选择式练习题及开放式问答题。