A spokesman for Clarence House, William's official residence, said : " Christmas plans are being discussed, but we do not discuss royal guests. " 威廉王子官方住所克拉伦斯豪宅的一位发言人说:“王室的圣诞节计划正在讨论之中,但目前还没有确定邀请哪些宾客。”
A Clarence House spokesman said : " Prince William has worked with Mario Testino on many occasions before, and so the couple decided that he was the right choice for such an important portrait. " 克拉伦斯王府(译者注:查尔斯王储官方居所)的一位发言人说:“马里奥泰斯蒂诺曾多次为威廉王子拍照,因此威廉王子和凯特确信他是拍摄订婚照的最合适人选。”