Now, " the big man " of the personal computer software world, the head of Microsoft Bill Gates, from the time he was small was one who was a " expert player ". 如今个人计算机软件世界第一大腕,微软公司总裁比尔˙盖茨,从小就是个大玩家。
And my employer at the time, Compaq Computer, was the largest personal computer company in the world. 而我当时的东家康柏公司是当时全球最大的个人电脑生产商。
Lenovo has now nearly overtaken its largest rival, Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ), as the largest personal computer manufacturer in the world. 现在,联想几乎快要赶上其最大的竞争对手惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard),登上世界头号个人电脑厂商的宝座了。
The personal computer industry has been rapidly growing in the world for the last ten years. 最近十年,全世界的个人电脑业发展很快。
With the rapid development of Internet, popularization of personal computer and the needs for the high speed commerce of the people, electronic commerce has greatly developed within the range of world and traditional commerce is gradually replaced by electronic commerce. 随着因特网的高速发展,个人计算机的普及和人们对高速快捷的商业行为的要求,电子商务在世界范围内得到了较大的发展,一些传统的商业行为正在逐渐被电子商务所取代。