Since the advent of the all-volunteer force, the US government no longer puts young people in this position. 自从全志愿军出现之后,美国政府不再让年轻人处于这种境地了。
The United States has been a nation at war for nearly a decade and the all-volunteer force has been stretched by years of combat. 在帕内塔即将上任之际,美国卷入战争状态已经快十年了。与此同时,美国的服役人员,在志愿兵役制下,经过多年的战争,也已经颇为疲惫了。
It is critical for this legislation to support the all-volunteer force and help us recruit and retain the best military in the world. 此法律的制定的关键在于供养全体自愿效劳的武装力量及容纳世界最好的军事武装。
What makes that all the more remarkable is that today's military is an all-volunteer force – a force of mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives. 今天的军队与以前更加显著的特点就是这是一只完全由志愿者组成的部队&由父母、子女、夫妻共同组成的部队。