Aciclovir ( ACV ), thymic peptide and interferon ( IFN ) showed significant effects of anti virus and immunoregulation. 阿昔洛韦、胸腺肽及干扰素抗病毒和调节免疫疗效显著。
Next to this article you 'll find some screens from the phone running the anti virus application. 在随后的文章中,你可以看到该反病毒(AV)程序的手机屏幕截图。
Inhibiting effects of anti virus mixture to E. 抗病毒合剂由中草药组方而成。
Another good use for manual packing would be to bypass Anti Virus(AV) software and make arbitrary malicious code to become AV's best friend. 另一个好使用的手册将包装,绕过反病毒(AV)软件和作出任意恶意代码来成为AV最好的朋友。
Objective It is to evaluate the clinical significance of anti virus herbs on osteosarcoma and parenchymal sarcoma. 目的探讨抗病毒中药在治疗骨与软组织肉瘤中的应用价值。