The general public; general assistance; a general rule; in general terms; comprehensible to the general reader. 普通公众;一般援助(GA);一般规则;一般说来;能为普通读者所理解。
How would you like to put in full-time hours at your job, work hard to perform your job well, manage your household, and yet still spend time waiting in lines for general assistance and charity to pay for your basic expenses, including food and heat? 你喜欢全职工作吗,喜欢努力做好自己的工作吗,喜欢处理家务吗,还是喜欢排队等待一般救助和等待慈善机构来为你支付诸如食物和取暖之类的基本费用吗?
First listed several mainstream academic point of view, mainly list several employment security systems, special relief system, general assistance system, unemployment insurance system, mutual insurance theory, social allowance system. 首先列举几种主流的学术观点,主要有特殊救济说、一般救助说、失业保险学说、互助保险说、社会津贴说。
For general DB2 assistance, check out DB2 Universal Database Online Support where you can view or download the DB2 manuals in HTML or PDF in24 different languages. 要获取常规DB2帮助,请查阅DB2通用数据库联机支持,可以以24种不同语言查看或下载HTML或PDF格式的DB2手册。
The implementation of the social security system is divided into the general social security assistance and social security funds of the two collection process. 社会保障制度的实施一般分为社会保障救助和社会保障基金筹措两个过程。