Back space file on multifile tape Editions and Studies of Uighur Buddhist Texts from Western Region and Dunhuang in the 20th Century 多文件带的回退文件西域敦煌回鹘佛教文献研究百年回顾
Hence, research of the non-velocity information feed back space robot is more important. 因此研究无速度信息反馈的空间机器人控制方法具有一定价值。
It emphasized convenience and rationality, especially about relocation of Back Space(BS) key, layout of edition-orientation block and number - assistance block. 在整体布局上更加注重操作方便性与合理性,尤其体现在BackSpace键的重新布置、编辑与定位键区和数字辅助键区的按键布局上。
The features of shooting in the mid-front space are mainly outsides, while in the back space are forehand dominated. 4. 在中前场击球空间特征表现为以外为主,在后场表现为以正手位击球为主。
" Separate Strokes, Connected Meaning " and Its Back Space(BS) 笔断意连及其背后空间(BS)