Business managers are constantly pushing IT to generate more revenue by creating new products, services, systems, and processes, while reducing the costs of compliance. 在减少遵从法规的成本的同时,业务经理将不断地推进IT,通过创建新产品、服务、系统,和过程来产生更多的收入。
Facebook stresses it would allow WhatsApp to run independently and would be pushing for user, not revenue, growth in the near term. Facebook强调称,它将允许WhatsApp独立运营,短期内重点是推动用户增长,而非收入增长。
Concerning the aspect of science-technology pushing finance-taxation forward, we probe into it from three angles including the efficiency of finance-taxation management, the scale and composition of finance-taxation revenue and the effect of public offering. 就科技推动财税发展这个方面,分别从财税管理的效率,财政收入规模与结构以及公共供给的作用三个方面进行探讨。