An ordinary compass finds magnetic North easily-but is unreliable because Magnetic North(MN) changes with time and location. 一个普通的罗盘能够轻易地找到磁性北方-但并不可靠,因为磁性北方会随着时间和地点而改变。
The discovery of Magnetic North(MN) allowed man to explore the world. 磁北(MN)的发现让人们可以探索世界。
Geographical lines do exist where true north and magnetic north are aligned, and these are called agonic lines. 当真北和磁北(MN)相吻合的时候,确实存在一些被称为无偏线的地理线。
A compass points to magnetic north – which is often in northern Canada. 罗盘的指针指向磁北(MN)极&通常位于加拿大北部。
The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north. 指南针的指针总指向磁北(MN)极。