Each topic element is represented in the final documentation by an entry in the navigation list. 每一个标题元素都通过导航列表(NL)中的一个入口在最终的文档中被反映出来。
One structural addition that could yield massive benefits to web developers is the addition of the navigation list. 增加了一个会让web开发人员大大受益的结构,那就是导航列表(NL)。
A context menu that you can use to perform typical actions is available for each item on the page, both in the navigation and list panes. 无论在导航窗格中还是在列表窗格中,您都可以使用一个上下文菜单对该页上的每个项目执行典型操作。
For a page that is currently selected in the navigation, this list also contains the actions that are available for that page. 对于在导航栏中选择的页面,该列表还包含了页面中可执行的操作。
Provide navigation through a list of items or a large amount of information by scrolling either horizontally or vertically within an application or control. 通过在应用程序或控件中水平或垂直滚动,提供在项列表或大量信息中导航的功能。