RM-ODP & The Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing(ODP) ( RM-ODP ) is a modeling methodology for specification of system architectures. RM-ODP&开放式分布处理的参考模型(ReferenceModelforOpenDistributedProcessing,RM-ODP)是系统体系结构规范的建模方法。
In this paper, first, open distributed processing system and CORBA is introduced briefly, second, the application of CORBA in open distributed network management system is discussed, finally, the development method and process of network management based on CORBA is giv-en. 本文在对开放分布式处理系统和CORBA进行简要介绍的基础上,对CORBA在开放分布式网络管理系统中的应用进行了探讨,并给出了基于CORBA的网络管理系统的开发方法与步骤。
ISO RM-ODP ( ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing(ODP) ) provides framework for open and flexible distributed system. ISORM-ODP(ISO开放分布式处理参考模型)为开放、灵活的分布式系统提供了主框架。
In open distributed processing systems, middlewares make applications on heterogeneous computers interwork with each other. 中间件使得开放式分布处理系统中异种机上的应用可以相互协同工作。
This paper introduces the ISO reference model for open distributed processing and gives the structure of the model. 本文介绍了开放分布式处理的ISO参考模型及组成。