Achievement of a Multi-level Platform for Share of Information in SOA Architecture SOA架构下多层次信息共享平台的实现
It's necessary to construct a 3-level documentary resources guarantee system and a multi-level networked platform for information resources sharing so as to increase the information guarantee rate of documentary resources by one-stop service to the greatest extent. 构建三级文献资源保障体系,形成多层次网络化的资源共享平台,力求以一站式服务形式最大限度地提高文献资源的信息保障率。
Establishment of a Multi-level Teaching Platform for Physics Experiments 层次化物理实验教学平台建设
Therefore, spokesman system should be further perfected, early warning mechanism for disseminating information be established, multi-level public information platform be constructed, legal construction of information disclosure be accelerated as well as the mechanism of communication and cooperation with media be established. 为此,要进一步完善新闻发言人制度,建立预警信息发布机制,构建多层次的信息公开平台,加快信息公开的法制化建设,建立与媒体之间的沟通与合作机制。
The Design and Implementation of a Multi-level E-Government Information Sharing Platform 一种多级架构的政务信息资源共享平台的设计与实现