They have had to set aside more than £ 10bn to compensate customers who were mis-sold payment protection insurance. 它们不得不拨出逾100亿英镑补偿那些受到误导而购买了付款保障保险(PPI)的客户。
I would argue that the painful history of scandals in retail banking, including the brutal treatment of unauthorised overdrafts and the misselling of " payment protection insurance ", reflects the absence of sound charging for the costs of providing banking services. 在我看来,零售银行令人痛苦的丑闻史,包括对未授权透支行为的蛮横处理和付款保障保险(ppi)的不当销售,反映出银行业并未对其服务收取合理费用。
But a provision in the retail business for payment protection insurance and a costly withdrawal from parts of its European branch network meant the investment banking division still accounted for a larger proportion of overall revenue than a year ago. 但零售业务部门为付款保障保险(ppi)拨备保证金,并且以高昂代价撤出一部分欧洲分行网络,使得投资银行部门的收入与去年同期相比,在全行总收入中占据了更大的比例。
For, even as some employees were fiddling the London interbank offered rate and selling customers interest rate swaps and unnecessary payment protection insurance, the bank already had an apparently robust code of conduct. 即使这家银行拥有看上去颇为严格的行为准则,但还是有员工操纵伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor),也有员工向客户销售利率掉期合约和不必要的支付保险。
Meanwhile, the spiralling cost of mis-selling scandals in the UK for payment protection insurance and interest rate derivatives has emphasised the threat posed to still-weak balance sheets by aggressive transaction-based banking. 与此同时,英国违规销售支付保护保险和利率衍生品丑闻持续发酵,由此造成的影响突显出以激进交易为基础的银行业务对仍然疲弱的资产负债表构成的风险。