Joint Development of China's Public and Non-Public Economies 中国的公有制和非公有制经济共同发展
Universal Display, which does joint development on flexible screens with Samsung and LG. 通用显示器公司与三星和LG联合开发(JDEV)柔性屏幕。
India's science ministry has also launched joint development programmes on solar energy research with the European Union and the United Kingdom. 印度的科学部还与欧盟和英国启动了关于太阳能研究的联合开发(JDEV)项目。
It will strive to make greater contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting the joint development of humanity. 力争为维护世界和平,促进人类的共同发展做出我们更大的贡献。
Only in this way can joint development and universal prosperity of all countries be achieved at a quicker pace. 只有这样,各国共同发展和普遍繁荣,才能更快地实现。