HARD TIMES for investment bankers on Wall Street and in the City of London also mean trouble on Bahnhofstrasse, the Zurich street that is home to Credit Suisse and UBS. 华尔街和伦敦金融城的投资银行家的困难时期,也意味着瑞士信贷和瑞银之源的苏黎士班霍夫大街的麻烦。
The financial sector is an important part of Zurich's economy and the city is home to the Swiss Stock Exchange and companies such as Credit Suisse and Swiss Re. 金融业是苏黎世经济的一大支柱,瑞士证交所以及瑞士信贷、瑞士再保险等公司均位于这里。
Zurich Insurance Company is the underwriter of American Express home insurance plan and is solely responsible for all coverage and compensation. 苏黎世保险为美国运通家居保障计划之承保人,全面负责一切保障及赔偿事宜。
Heinrich Escher, the mayor of Zurich, visits Brussels where he drinks chocolate and returns to his home town with tidings of the new sweet drink. 苏黎世市长HeinrichEscher,在拜访布鲁塞尔,并品尝到可可的美味后,欣喜地把这种美味的新饮品带了回去。