The core of the coprocessor is the modular arithmetic units array for parallel computing, while a single modular arithmetic unit is composed of a high-performance scalable Montgomery modualr multiplication unit and a high-performance scalable modular addition and subtraction unit. 该协处理器的核心为并行计算的模算术单元阵列,每个模算术单元由一个高性能可扩展的Montgomery模乘单元和一个高性能可扩展的模加减单元组成。
In these public key cryptographic algorithms, the kernel operations are modular exponentiation of multi-precision integer and elliptic curve scalar multiplication, which both are computing intensive. 这些公钥密码算法的关键操作为大整数模幂乘操作与椭圆曲线标量乘法操作,均属于计算密集型运算。
The simulation platform is designed of layered and modular structure, constituted of simulation computation subsystem and simulation display subsystem which both have good scalability. The results show that this design has good capability to simulate the real PaaS cloud computing system. 仿真平台采用分层结构及模块化设计,由仿真运算子系统和仿真呈现子系统组成,具有良好的可扩展性,能够较好地模拟真实PaaS云计算系统。