Responsibilities incident upon one as a parent parent's responsibility for child's crime 为父母者自然要承担的责任.父母对于子女的犯罪行为的责任
In this example, before making the parent transformation configuration a parent of the first child, we must check to make sure if it is already a parent of another transformation configuration. 在这个例子中,在使父类转换配置成为第一个子类的父类之前,我们必须检查以确定,它是否已经是另一个转换配置的父类。
Right of a child to see a parent regularly or of a parent or grandparent to see a child regularly, where the child bis in the care of someone else. 会见权:孩子子定期见父母亲,或父母或祖父母定期看望由他人照看的孩子的权利。
Child support is money that one parent gives to the other parent to help pay for the child's – the child's education, the child's food, clothing, etc. 子女抚养费是一方家长为孩子的教育,饮食,衣服等等支付给另一方的钱。
A package that runs other packages is generally referred to as the parent package, and the packages that a parent workflow runs are called child packages. 运行其他包的包通常称为父包,由父工作流运行的包称为子包。