The Standard Template Library(STL) ( STL ) defines pair in the header utility. 标准模板库(STL)在头文件实用程序中定义pair。
The C + + Standard Template Library(STL) ( STL ) was one of the great innovations in library design. C++标准模板库(STL)是库设计中一个重大革新。
The Standard Template Library(STL), or STL, is a C + + library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators; it provides many of the basic algorithms and data structures of computer science. 标准模板库STL是一个包含容器类,算法和迭代器的C++库;它提供了很多计算机科学的基本算法和数据结构。
JSP ™ Standard Template Library(STL) ( JSTL ) provides additional common functionality for JSPs such as iterations, formatting, and internationalization. JSP标准模板库(JSTL)为JSP提供了其他常见功能,例如迭代、格式化和国际化。
The leftright and topbottom are STL ( Standard Template Library(STL) ) - like half-open ranges for column ( s ) and row ( s ) respectably. leftright和topbottom是分别用于列和行的类STL(标准模板库)的半开区间(half-openrange)。