Based on the analysis of process planning of RP M collaborative manufacture, different types of RP M process monitoring points are determined according to the time scale principle, which provides the theoretical basis for the process management and monitoring. 对RPM协同制造的过程规划进行研究,采用时间尺度原则确立各种RPM工艺监控点,为过程管理与监控提供理论依据。
Starting from the reality for process planning, we propose our idea of concurrent and collaborative process planning based on ontology. 针对工艺设计过程的现状,提出基于本体的并行协同工艺设计思想。
Based on the analysis of the multi-process planning procedure in distributed environment, it builds a model of collaborative process planning schema for distributed manufacturing environment, develops a collaborative process planning system on platform of PLM with this model. 以多工艺类型协同设计基本流程和工作机制讨论为基础,提出了分布式制造工艺协同设计系统的工作模型,研究了实现该系统模型的关键技术,建立了基于PLM的工艺集成系统框架。
The rapid growth of e-commerce in the entire industry is enabling strategic procurement, collaborative supply chain planning and collaborative logistics system design. 在整个行业中电子商务的快速增长促进了战略采购、合作供应链规划和合作物流系统的设计。
The development planning should the following guidelines which are local highlight, global collaborative development. 3. 项目发展上应采取局部重点突出,全面协同发展的方针。