If I have a larger view, if I have a larger frying pan, then I can start catching bigger fish, I can start sharing them with my team. 如果我拥有一个更大的视野,如果我拥有一个更大的油炸锅,那么我就可以开始去钓更大的鱼。我可以开始与我们的团队一起来分享这些资源。
Your ability to see the larger view today enables you to plan with foresight. 今天你视野宽广,使得你能有远见地筹划将来。
Click on the thumbnail to open a larger view of the image. 点击这个小图标,打开更大的图像。
You're going to take the image gallery idea using the Hoverbox CSS and in addition to popping up a larger view of an image, you're going to bring up a set of comments about that image using Ajax. 您将采用图片库的概念使用HoverboxCSS,并且除了弹出图像的放大视图(LV)之外,还会使用Ajax呈现一组有关图像的描述。