They regarded us as little kids who count for nothing. 他们把我们看作是无足轻重的孩子。
START YOUNG : As soon as kids can count, explain what money is for, you have to earn it and that once it's spent, it's gone for good. 从小开始:孩子能够数数时就向他们解释钱是用来做什么的,你需要赚钱,而且是为商品而付出的。
Concrete benefits come to kids who literally count their blessings. 如果孩子能真正地历数使他们感到幸福的事情,这对他们有实际益处。
Weekend flies home happy? Teach your kids English teachers today count. 周末回家苍蝇幸福?伯爵今天英语教师教你的孩子。
Teach your kids English teachers today count. 教你的孩子今天的英语教师数。