Sequence Pattern Mining Without Duplicate(WD) Project Database Scan 无重复投影数据库扫描的序列模式挖掘算法
Compared with other Address auto-configuration protocols, this protocol assigns unique address to node rapidly without performing duplicate address detection. 与其他地址自动配置协议相比,本文提出的策略可以快速完成地址配置,不需要进行重复地址检测,开销很少。
The system has been designed in the way that future changes can be made without having to duplicate what they have already done. 系统已经在方式中被设计将来的变化能没有必须复制他们已经做了的事。
When business processes varied, only need to alter the process without too much duplicate development, which could reduce cost and improve resource utilization. 当业务流程发生变更时,只需要对流程进行改进,而不需要太多重复的开发,可降低企业成本,提高资源使用率。
This allows the business process to change rapidly without having to rebuild or duplicate the underlying information structures. 这就允许业务流程无需重新构建或复制底层的信息结构就可以快速地变化。