This article discussed how to read and write data to a file from a Python program. 这篇文章讨论了在Python程序中如何从文件读取数据和写入数据(WD)到文件中。
A program can also read and write data into the user spaces on the system. 也可以通过程序在系统的用户空间中读写数据。
WebSphere eXtreme Scale uses loaders to read data from and write data to the database from the in-memory cache. WebSphereeXtremeScale使用了加载器读取内存中缓存的数据,以及将数据写入到数据库中。
The last basic step involved in writing programs is to read data from and write data to a file. 编写程序的最后一个基本步骤就是从文件读取数据和把数据写入文件。
This is what makes WXS useful for caching even read / write data. 这使WXS甚至在缓存读/写数据时都很有用。