In the process of feature character comparison, some methods for character comparison are presented which are chamfer matching, the texture feature of gray matrix and texture analysis using Wigner distribution. 在特征字的特征提取过程中,对字符的形状特征,运用距离变换匹配的方法;对字符的纹理特征,采用基于游程矩阵的分析方法和Wigner分布的分析方法。
In this thesis, the method of similar estimation ( the nearest neighbor ) is applied to classify the feature character. 在特征字的分类过程中,采用了相似形度量(最近邻法)的方法。
A Fragile Text Watermarking based on Changing the Underlining Feature of Character 一种基于文字下划线特征变化的完全脆弱型文本水印
Choose the feature of rough grid as the feature of character recognition, and improve the feature of rough grid. 选取了字符网格特征作为字符的识别特征,并对粗网格特征进行了改进,同时对误差反向传播训练算法进行了优化。
By means of contrasting the common law and statute law, the concept, feature and character of the liquidated damages are discussed by the paper. 本文根据实例探讨了误期损害赔偿金法律涵义,结合大陆法系和英美法系的对比,论述了违约金的概念和特征、违约金的性质、违约金和罚金的区别。