The results show that ANFIS is very effective in vehicle shifting rule determination. 结果表明ANFIS能够更好地根据车辆行驶状态决策判断出最佳换档点。
A vehicle failure rule based on the theory of a stochastic process was presented. The rule was posed by the Weibull process model, which is a kind of non homogeneous Poisson process model. 用随机过程理论研究车辆故障的规律,提出了用非时齐泊松过程模型中的威布尔过程模型来描述车辆故障的函数。
The analysis of Lanzhou vehicle restriction rule as a clue in this paper. The purpose is to find ways to remedy civil rights have been infringed by administrative normative documents. 本文以兰州市机动车尾号限行规定的分析为线索,意在寻找公民权利受到行政规范性文件的侵害之后的救济途径,并最终为行政规范性文件的法律规制制度提供一些可供参考的建议。
Another course of action would be to form a " national government " an apparently broad-based coalition which is, in fact, a vehicle for conservative rule. 另一个办法将是组建“国民政府”这是一个明显带有广泛基础的联盟,而实际上将成为保守党的一个执政工具。
Our country " Vehicle risk Compulsory insurance Rule " cannot appear until now, its main reason is that it involves the various benefit relations which need to be balanced and the good consideration, all the disputes are difficult to coordinate. 我国的机动车第三者责任强制保险条例至今迟迟不能出台,其主要原因是其涉及到多方面的利益关系的平衡和考量,导致各方争议较大,很难协调。