The business data in the data mart can only come from the business data warehouse. 数据集市中的业务数据只能来自业务数据仓库。
In this model, the business data warehouse is the collection of data repository databases ( module ), and the data marts are the databases from the data mart tier. 在该模型中,业务数据仓库是数据存储库数据库(模块)的集合,而数据集市则是数据集市层中的数据库。
In DB2, performance optimization is targeted to large databases, such as SAP Business Information Warehouse ( BIW ), while SQL optimization aims to improve query times. 在DB2中,性能优化主要针对大型数据库,如SAPBusinessInformationWarehouse(BIW);而SQL优化的目标则是为了缩短查询时间。
The information system of business's warehouse management is a system dealing with huge storage capacity of data, more times of treating data and accurate data accuracy in information system of business management. 企业仓库管理信息系统是企业管理信息系统中涉及数据存储量最大、数据处理次数最多和对数据准确性要求最高的系统,其数据文件或数据库结构的设计直接影响系统的处理效率和响应速度。
At present, China has financing warehouses business and warehouse receipt hypothecation financing business. 目前,国内已经有融通仓、仓单质压融资业务。