If tasks were created in the tasks list of the workspace, you can choose to receive e-mail alerts that notify you of any changes to those tasks. 如果在工作区的“任务”列表中创建了任务,则可选择接收电子邮件通知,以向您通知这些任务的任何更改。
The list is missing from the workspace. 工作区中缺少该列表。
Start off by selecting the plug-ins that you are developing from the list of plug-ins in the Workspace Plug-ins tree 从工作空间树的插件列表中选择你正在开发的插件作为开始
Click Next to see a list of available projects in your workspace and a list of projects that have been deployed to the server. 单击Next,以查看工作区中可用项目列表和已部署到该服务器的项目列表。
List of meetings attached to the workspace. 附加到工作区的会议的列表。