The primary can consider the transaction committed once the local write IO and the acknowledgement of receipt is received from the standby. 当从备用系统收到本地写IO和接收确认通知后,主系统可以考虑提交的事务。
Often the simultaneous operation of performing the local write IO is greater than the transfer of data over TCP / IP to the standby. 通常,执行本地写IO的同步操作大于通过TCP/IP传输到备用系统的数据量。
What should a local guide write on the welcome board for receiving a large group? 接待大型团队时地陪的接站牌要写清什么?
In Leishan county of Guizhou, local Miao people write, direct and play a TV play about their own life. 本文是关于贵州省雷山县一部由当地苗族自编、自导、自演的苗语电视剧的调研报告。
Consumers who have been unable to get satisfaction from their local branch should write direct to the chairman of the board. 凡是未能从该公司当地分号获得赔偿的消费者应直接写信给董事长。