HowDo You Deal With Curves in Character Animation(CA)? 你怎样处理角色动画(CA)中的动画曲线?
The most obvious usage in character animation is muscles. 角色动画(CA)中最明显的用法是肌肉运动。
A new publishing agreement is made with Unreal Pictures to produce a character animation add-on product for Jaguar. 一个新的想法诞生,为了打造虚幻电影般的产品品质,一个为‘美洲虎’增加角色动画(CA)的附属计划成立。
Although roles and background integration needs to be improved, the overall performance of character animation is good. 尽管角色和北京的协调还有提高的空间,但整体角色动画(CA)表现上还是不错的。
Then it surveys relevant techniques such as human body modeling, real-time rendering, character animation and affection computation by introducing, comparing and summarizing representative algorithms. 首先回顾用户化身的发展历史和定义,然后综述其中的人体建模、实时绘制、角色动画(CA)和情感计算等基本技术,介绍代表性算法,并加以比较和总结。