Anybody who thinks teaching in a nursery school is a soft job should try it. 任何认为在幼儿园当老师很轻松的人应该去做做这工作。
Malcolm has a soft job somewhere in the civil service. 马尔科姆在某处行政机构获得一份轻松的工作。
She's got a soft and well-paid job. 她的工作很轻松,报酬也很优厚。
Other common soft skills demanded on job listings include time management ( you can get everything done on time ), strong work ethic ( you're not inclined to take three-hour lunches ), and problem solver. 另外一些工作中要求的软技能有时间管理(你可以及时做完所有的事情)、强大的工作热情(你没有吃顿午饭要花三个小时的习惯)以及问题解决能手。