Rite Hidden in Music : The Shape Prototypes of the Rite s, Poems and Music Relations 礼藏于乐:礼乐文化的形态原型
You're unlikely to notice tape modulation noise outside of a recording studio because it's specific to analog tape recorders, which are fast becoming obsolete, and usually hidden by the music itself. 录音室外的人不大可能听到调制磁带时的噪音,这种噪音是那些很快就过了时的模拟式录音机所特有的,并且这些噪音常常被磁带内容所掩盖。
The hidden curriculum and hidden curriculum of music. 第二,隐性课程与音乐隐性课程。
The hidden curriculum build in music teach school reform of Higher Normal University 论高师音乐教学改革中的隐性课程建设
The hidden curriculum build in music education of higher normal university must on the basis of concrete conditions of university select and use The structure thinking of point - face - Volume or volume - face - point. 高师音乐教育的隐性课程建设,应根据学校具体情况分别采用由点到面成体或由体到面建点的构建思路。