In view of these deficiencies, the author suggested throughout the region to develop public, guiding spirit damage compensation interval standards, improve the discretion of body level, perfect the spirit damage compensate system. 针对这些不足之处,笔者建议各地结合地区情况制定公开的、指导性精神损害赔偿区间标准,提高自由裁量权主体级别,完善精神损害赔偿的规范体系。
In consideration of serious damage at casing perforating interval, the effect of perforating on casing strength is studied by using a finite-element analytical software, in terms of establishing a entity-model as well as plane problems. 针对油田射孔段套管损坏严重的问题,采用有限元分析软件,按照平面问题,以实体建模的形式,研究了射孔对套管强度的影响。
The shear damage and lateral movement of the rock interval between two tunnels may take place due to earthquakes and construction, which have an unfavorable effect on the safe and the stability of tunnels with small spacing. 中间岩壁在地震影响下,可能发生错动破坏,而且在施工方法的共同影响下有侧向移动的趋势,这将对小间距隧道的安全稳定产生不利的影响。
Relationship of sublethal damage repair modify factor and half repair time and fraction interval 修正因子与半修复时间及照射间隔时间关系
Wiki, Weblog, and forum spammers often send dozens of requests within seconds, and you can at least limit damage by limiting the number of requests one user or IP address can send within an interval. Wiki、Weblog和论坛垃圾信息散布者通常都会在几秒内发送数十个请求,据此,可以限制某个用户或IP地址在某个时间间隔内所能发送的请求数。