Organic food must pass the certification by specific certification body. 有机食品必须通过专业认证机构(CB)的认证。
With the above four conditions, enterprises can apply for certification to the national certification body. 具备以上四个条件,企业即可向国家认证机构(CB)申请认证。
Under the new certification process, the manufacturer must submit applications to third-party certification body authorized by EPA, while the products are tested by laboratory authorized by EPA. 依据新的认证制度,生产商必须向美国环保署授权的第三方认证机构(CB)提交申请,同时在美国环保署认可的实验室进行产品检测。
After certification body receive the materials, members of the original audit team from the organization track and audit the effects of the corrected measures. 认证机构(CB)收到材料后,组织原来的审核小组的成员对纠正措施的效果进行跟踪审核。
Major changes of revised certification scheme in Korea are, first of all, the government-supervised system transfers into the private certification body with fairness capabilities. 在韩国修订认证计划的最大变化是,首先,把能力与公正私人认证机构(CB)政府监管的制度转移。