Content is correct. - This is about the library management system, curriculum design lab report. 这是关于图书馆管理系统的课程设计实验报告(LR)。
Assignments include two smaller lab reports, one major lab report with revision, and an oral report. 作业包括两个小的实验报告(LR)、个主要的实验报告(LR)与校定稿、口头报告。
Your lab report this term will be to write two major research papers. 你们这学期的实验报告(LR)要写两张报告纸。
The good news is that no preparation or lab report is required. 好消息是,不需要写预习与报告。
The PQR shall be witnessed and shall be supported with the lab report from the pre approved testing laboratory, if so previously agreed to by the employer. 应见证pqr,如果得到业主的事先同意,还应通过来自预先批准试验室的实验报告(LR)支持pqr。