The Department of Education publishes loan default rates and loan repayment rates for every institution in the nation that receives federal funding. 根据教育部所公布的贷款率和偿还率,每个机构在国家都须接受联邦限制。
Overdue loan repayment schedule is not party or over the contract period the graded principal repayment of loans planned behavior. 借款逾期是指甲方未按期清偿或超过本合同约定的分次还本计划期限归还借款的行为。
Review about China Poor Loan Repayment(LR) of National Student Loan Research 我国国家助学贷款偿还不力问题研究述评
Loan repayment calculation through web interface. 通过网接口借出偿还计算。
The Repeat tool finds all recurring dates such as loan repayment dates, and collates them into a unified list. 重复工具认定所有经常性的日期如贷款还款日期,并整理成一个统一的清单。