Java Cryptography Extension(JCE) ( JCE ), Java Authentication and Authorization Service ( JAAS ), Java Security Socket Extension ( JSSE ) extend Java's security from different aspect, and they establish J2EE security platform together. Java密码系统扩展(JCE),Java的认证和授权服务(JAAS),Java安全套接字扩展(JSSE)分别从不同的方面扩展了Java的安全功能,共同构建了J2EE的安全平台。
The model ensure the safety of the public key by XKMS; call Bouncy Castle Crypto API password packet through the Java Cryptography Extension(JCE), which provides for a variety of encryption algorithms required; ensure data transmission security through XML signature and XML encryption technology. 该模型通过XKMS保证系统公钥的安全;通过Java加密扩展调用BouncyCastleCryptoAPI密码包来提供加密所需的各种算法;通过XML签名和加密等技术保证数据传输的安全。