During the reign of Qing emperors Kangxi and qianlong, many important state affairs concerning politics, military, nationality relations, and foreign affairs were handled here, therefore, the mountain resort remains a vivid reminder of the prosperity and decline of the Qing Imperial empire. 清朝的康熙、乾隆皇帝时期很多重要的政治、军事、民族和外交等国家大事,都在这里处理,生动记录着清朝的兴衰。
The imperial reach of the British Empire diminished during the Second World War, and even more when India became independent in1947. 英国在第二次世界大战期间的势力减少,尤其是当印度在1947年独立后。
Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries, first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire, then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 维也纳最初是神圣罗马帝国(TIE)的领地,接着成为奥地利帝国(TIE)的首都,后来又成为奥匈帝国(TIE)的首都,哈布斯堡王朝在维也纳雄踞达数个世界之久。
The imperial education of the Great Mongol Empire centering on the aim of running school experienced the change from the character education, which implied the first conflict on running school between the Mongol rulers and the lian Confucian scholars. 围绕着办学宗旨问题,大蒙古国国子学经历了由文字教育向儒学教育的转变。这是蒙古统治者在办学问题上与汉人儒士的第一次冲突。
The new regime also saw the entrenchment of the equestrian order ( Imperial period ) as the empire's second estate. 当(帝国(TIE)时代的)罗马骑士团成为帝国(TIE)的另一特权阶层时,(奥古斯都的)新政权亦从而得到巩固。