The method of ellipse fitting and the method of minimum bounding rectangle solved the problem of calculating length diameter ratio. 椭圆拟合法和最小外接长方形法的运用,解决了长径比的计算问题。
The research showed that as to any spatial target, its corresponding convex polygon must be included in its corresponding minimum bounding rectangle. 研究表明,对于任意一个空间目标而言,这个目标对应的凸多边形必然包含在该目标对应的最小约束矩形中。
If there are multiple human targets in the field of the vision of the camera, then assign a number for each different human body target, and use minimum bounding rectangle to label them. Finally track the human body target using the Kalman filter. 若有多个人体目标进入摄像头视野范围,则对不同的人体目标编号,然后用最小外接矩形框进行标记,最后利用Kalman滤波器对人体目标进行跟踪。
After determined the scaling parameter by minimum bounding rectangle, the rough registration is obtained by determining rotation and translation parameters combined with the mass center and main direction, and then the refined registration is obtained by singular value decomposition and iterative closest point ( SVD-ICP ) algorithm. 首先通过最小包围矩形确定缩放参数,再结合二者的质心和主方向确定旋转、平移参数实现粗配准,然后用奇异值分解-迭代最近点算法进行精配准。
Study of the Minimum Bounding Rectangle(MBR) Algorithm of Injection Parts 注塑件最小包围矩形算法的研究