One of these partitions may be an extended partition, which can hold any number of logical partitions. 逻辑分区&用于大多数Linux机器上的MasterBootRecord(MBR)分区系统仅支持4个主分区,其中一个是可扩展的,可以包含任何数量的逻辑分区。
Repair the file system boot sector or the Master Boot Record(MBR) ( MBR ). 修复文件系统启动扇区或主启动记录(MBR)。
The partition table is located in the master boot record ( MBR ) of a disk. 分区表位于磁盘主引导记录(MBR)(MBR)之中。
The new master boot record has been successfully written. 已成功写入新的主启动记录。
Use this command ( where device name is an optional device name that specifies the device that needs a new MBR ) to repair the master boot record ( MBR ) of the system partition. 使用此命令可修复启动分区的主启动记录(MBR)。在命令语法中,devicename是一个可选的设备名,它指定了需要新MBR的设备。