Phone users can utilize the embedded micro browser to open game sites, download or play the games online. 用户可使用移动电话的内嵌微型浏览器访问游戏的Web站点,在线或下载后离线来玩这类游戏。
When you start your SNES you get a file browser to choose your game. 你可以从SNES游戏中选择浏览你想要运行的游戏。
If it runs longer ( or if the browser's garbage collection runs ) the game will still slow down. 如果运行此操作的时间更长(或如果运行了浏览器的垃圾回收),那么游戏还是会慢下来。
With the development of browser technology and increasing network bandwidth, web game in recent years has shown a prairie fire. 随着浏览器技术的发展和网络带宽的不断增大,web游戏近几年已呈燎原之势。
That loop consists of an animate () function that the browser invokes when it's time to draw the game's next animation frame. 该循环包括一个animate()函数,在需要绘制游戏的下一个动画帧时,浏览器会调用该函数。