Give a very good method to count the number of ones in a " n "( e. g32 ) bit number. 译:给出一个好方法,求一个数的比特位值为1的位数。
The analysis result and process are valuable for the decision of quantization bit number in the system design. 分析过程和结论,对于系统设计时量化比特数(BN)确定具有参考意义。
The analysis indicates that the more quantification bit number, the less RMS error; 分析表明,量化比特数(BN)越大,均方误差越小;
The bigger the bit number, the higher the ratio. 转换比特数(BN)越大,性能价格比越高。
The radar data compression experiment is conducted with the different quantification bit number, and the compression performance is analyzed. 对所采集的雷达数据按不同的量化比特进行了压缩实验,并对数据的压缩性能作了分析。