SSBN is the United States Navy's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine. SSBN是美国海军对弹道导弹核潜艇的分类称谓。
The US is increasingly concerned about China's deployment of mobile land and sea-based intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles that have the range to hit the US, according to people familiar with an imminent Pentagon report on China's military. 美国国防部即将发表一份有关中国军力的报告。据熟悉该报告的人士称,美国越来越担心中国部署陆基机动和海基洲际弹道导弹,这种导弹的射程能够覆盖美国。
It all seems more like an overgrown spoiled child lacking adult supervision than the leader of a state building intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. 所有这些看起来让金正恩更像是一个缺乏管教、被惯坏了的大孩子,而不是一个建造洲际弹道导弹和核武器的国家的领导人。
After ballistic missile and nuclear tests in 2009, Washington tried again to engage, despite quiet uneasiness among its allies. 在2009年朝鲜发射弹道导弹和进行核试验之后,美国政府曾试图与朝鲜恢复接触,尽管美国的盟友私下里都对此感到忧虑。
So while ballistic missile tests and nuclear explosions matter, killing South Koreans appears to rank lower. 因此,弹道导弹试验和核爆炸事关重大,而韩国人被杀似乎就没那么紧要。