Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher also bat. 因为它不公平使也蝙蝠的投手,自由党发明了指定打击规则。
Davis is expected to see action primarily as a designated hitter. 预计戴维斯主要作为指定击球员上场。
How do you feel about the designated hitter rule? 您怎么理解击球员规则?
The Yankees could always use Posada as a designated hitter to get him into the lineup, but Torre said they weren't ready to cross that road yet. 洋基可以用小波做为指定打击以把他放入打击顺序中,但托爷爷并不想要跨越这条警戒线。
The Yankees played Jason Giambi at first base for Saturday's game, allowing Damon to be utilized as a designated hitter while Melky Cabrera patrolled center field. 洋基让技安在星期六的比赛担任一垒守备,让大门担任指定打击,小卡担任中间守备。