To use borrowed money on such inflated promises to pay such returns can be, as the Chinese saying goes, trying to ' snatch a white wolf with empty hands '. 用借来的钱做出如此夸大的承诺,答应支付如此之高的回报率,用中国的俗语表示就是‘空手套白狼(WW)’。
White Eye Wolf : That's because we will hold a party for your " daddies ". 白眼狼:是这样的,其实我们是要给你的爸爸们开个派对。
Vietnam is a White eyed wolf who never appreciated the sacrifice by the Chinese people so it can win the war. 越南就是一只白眼狼,他们从来不感激中国人民在帮助越南取得越南战争胜利中作出的牺牲。
Suddenly the screen went dark – and, where the actor had been showing off his suit, a young Chinese model appeared, striding down the catwalk in a white cashmere coat with wolf fur collar. 突然间,屏幕变成一片黑色&就在派克刚才显摆自己西服的地方,一位中国妙龄模特突然出现在观众眼前,昂首阔步走在T型台上,身穿一件带狼毛皮领子的白色羊绒大衣。
Many Chinese readers are fond of his works especially his animal novels such as The Call of the Wild, White Fang and Brown Wolf. 许多中国读者都喜欢他的小说特别是动物小说如《野性的呼唤》,《白牙》和《棕狼》。