In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips. 除了每周的薪水外,我还能得到不少小费。
What is my weekly wage? 我的周工资(WW)是多少?
Some temporary workers took the weekly wage. 有些临时工拿周工资(WW)。
Most pay interns a weekly wage on average 200 to 300. 多数雇主都向实习生按周支付薪水平均为200至300英镑。
The wage differences exist across 107 of 111 occupations, regardless of education, according to the Institute, which based its conclusions on an analysis of median weekly wage data from the Bureau of labor statistics. 该研究所根据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)提供的数据,同时对平均周薪进行分析发现,不管是何种教育背景,111个职业中的107个职业存在同工不同酬现象。