G.m.is undoubtedly a great President today Welch brought shaft, but the business of the company is more outstanding universal century enterprise, Welch role only part of it. 通用公司总裁韦尔奇无疑是当今伟大的商业领轴,但通用公司更是卓越的百年企业,韦尔奇的角色只是其中的一部分。
As a direct result of modern movement, the International Style became a universal mode all over the world in 20th century. 作为这一运动的直接产物,现代建筑国际风格在20世纪风靡世界。
This article concerned the thinking of exploring and importing the international advanced technologies, establishing high level experiment bases, accelerating colleges and universities ' connection with the universal advanced standard, and developing creative talents in the new century. 探索引进国际先进技术,建设高水平实验基地的思路,促进高等院校与世界先进水平接轨,培养新世纪创新人才。
It is pointed out in the present paper that the latter reflects a universal phonological law in some Northern Chinese Dialects after the 9th century, which has been neglected in the studies of Chinese nationality paleography. 本文指出后一种现象实际上是残唐五代以后北方汉语一条普遍规律的反映,而这条规律在当前的少数民族古文字研究中却常被忽略。
With the inherent characteristics & being free of charge, equal and universal, public education gradually unveiled itself from the mid of 19th century in Canada, then still an inconspicuous colony under the control of Great Britain. 强调免费、平等、全民的公共教育,于19世纪中期在仍然是英属北美殖民地的加拿大缓缓揭开序幕。