The basic needs of life are available with minimum effort 稍加努力就能满足生活的基本需求。
You need to achieve the maximum benefit with minimum effort in a limited amount of time. 你需要在有限时间内,用最小的力气,做最大的功。
Test Automation can be deployed with a minimum effort. 测试自动化可以通过最小的努力进行部署。
The light must : Be small enough to be carried with minimum effort and thought. 手电必须:足够小到用最微的力气携带及关注。
What aspects of your past or current life provide insights into your ability and willingness to consistently deliver more than the minimum effort required? 你认为自己先前和目前生活中的哪些方面,能够令你具有持续做出高于所需最低努力的能力和积极性。