Taking Shanxi natural gas market as a example, impacts of natural gas price changes on all kinds of users are analyzed. Finally, policy advices on price reform are formed. 在说明价格过低对下游市场发展造成的负面影响后,指出价格调整的重要意义,并以陕西省天然气市场为例,研究气价变化对各类用户的影响,最后提出了价格改革的政策建议。
All end users, developers and architects consent to all of the provisions of this threshold policy and agree to comply with all of its terms and conditions. 所有终端用户,开发人员和架构师均同意该阀值策略的所有条款,并同意遵守其所有条款和条件。
All users who do not belong to a role with explicit authorization on the dimension are members of the default role, and they are able to access the dimension according to the default policy. 只要用户不属于对维度具有显式授权的角色,它就属于默认角色的成员,可以根据默认策略访问该维度。